We are proud to be a member of and fully compliant with the National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP).
Yearly our Game Bird Aviary is tested by the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) and certified by the to Be Pullorum-typhoid clean as well as avian influenza free.
This certification is the base requirement for obtaining a permit for game birds to be exported to other states. All States importation permit requirements can be found (HERE).
Some states Like Texas have an additional requirement for the Importation of Birds you have to have a health certification by a licensed veterinarian within 30 day of the export date. Our veterinarian does this inspection for a current fee of 250.00 which is paid by the Ordering party.
No matter if you are just Keeping your purchased birds in state or exporting them to another state make sure your suppliers flock is certified disease free to USDA and State NPIP standards. Keeping in mind you may well want to eat your birds after the Hunt is over.

Kansas Department Of Agriculture

National Poultry Improvement Plan