Not All Birds Are Created Equal..

Every Year since the inception of Prairie Game Birds we have chosen the fittest, feistiest, best looking Pheasants in our stock as our breeders for the next year.  As this stock breeds we collect the eggs and place them in our incubators and hatch them.   They are cared for and fed a proprietary formula of nutrients and grain that gives them what they need to grow and mature into healthy spirited adults.

Our philosophy at Prairie Game Bids is to make available Premium, Feisty, flight ready pheasants to our customers so they may enjoyRing Neck Pheasant the sport of Pheasant  Hunting close to hunting Pheasants naturally in the wild.

We strive for quality first and as the years pass our quantities will increase after 2020 to available stock close to 7 thousand healthy birds.

If you want to experience the best in Pheasant Hunting Notify Us long before the season begins to reserve your birds.

Have A Blessed Day


Major Expansion For 2021


Major Changes have been underway at the farm and we are proud to announce that in the 2021 season Chukar Partridge and Bobwhite Quail are now being raised and are available by Reservation or on a first come first serve basis.

This was an immense undertaking of adding new Brooding Facilities and the Building of 5 new Raised Pens. Over the coming years we plan on at least doubling our current capabilities of raising and having available Chukar And Bobwhite Quail.

Our ever growing list of repeat customers have expressed to us that the Quail and Chukar we offer are top notch and make their dogs earn their keep.

If you are in the market for these birds give Albert a call anytime there may be stock available.

Happy Hunting


The American Ring-Neck Pheasant


Ring-Necked Pheasant in Flight

The brightly colored Ring-Neck pheasant is a larger Game bird that is not native to North America. But since it’s introduction in Willamette Valley Oregon in the 1880’s it has come to be the most sought out Game Bird to hunt each year. It’s size can be upwards of 4 lbs. the brightly colored plumage of the rooster pheasant will excite any hunter out in the field when it pops up and takes flight in a flurry and has the speed to out run even some of the best of Us.

The Pheasant species that the ring Neck is a part of also has a species in it called the Gallus gallus, or Red Junglefowl, In layman’s terms this is known as a chicken. Even though the Ring-Neck and The Chicken are akin to each other their characteristics are as different as night and Day from a hunting point of view. But let me tell you this if you ever come across a chicken that can fly with the power and speed of a Ring-Neck Don’t shoot it capture it and Bring it to Albert at Prairie Game birds and He will see about hatching out some of these unique birds.

There are strong populations of Ring-Neck Pheasants that survive from year to year and do continue to expand but it is tough for them here on this side of the world. The temperate climate of their native Asian habitat is more suited for the sustaining of and expansion of populations of Ring-Necks. In America If you take the time to corollate the temperate zones here that most closely match the temperate zones in Asia where the Ring-Neck Originated you will be pleased with the large populations of Ring-Necks you find in the wild to hunt.

In America Millions of Ring-Neck Pheasants are raised each year in captivity and are ready to be released in a multitude of ways to suit the different hunting Styles. At Prairie Game Birds we are a small but growing part of this yearly process.  Our Ring-necks are created in our closed flock, from breeding to incubation, nurturing to large flight pens we ready the birds with our goal being to give the birds we raise a fighting chance to outfly the skillful eye of any hunter. According to our repeat customers a fair number of our birds do win.

So what does it take to raise a Ring-Neck from Breeding to a Hearty Adult? Patients and Constant Vigilance at every step in the process the birds grow through.

Breeding: That sounds easy put a rooster in with a harem of females and just gather the eggs. Yea okay, first off Pheasants are scrappers and cannibals’. While breeding if the male is not to the females liking they can constantly pick at him, The weather, Hungry varmints there are many threats that can happen to your limited number of breeders that will have an effect on the total for the season.

Incubation: I want my egg perfectly cooked over easy every time. That is Incubation, the right heat, The right humidity, the proper turning, the proper length of time has to be perfect every time or that 1000 eggs you have in the incubator turn out hard boiled.

Brooding: 800 to 1000 little birds in a soft straw lined room, the temperature of the entire floor of the room has to be equal, constant and the room quiet to keep their stress levels down. If anything is off just a little the little birds will pile on top of each other and the birds on the bottom do not fair very well at all.

The open Air Pen: Time to introduce your young birds to the real world, Open the door to their 80 degree brooder house and hopefully it is not too cold or wet out side to keep them from getting climatized. Even at this stage if they go out , but come back in cold or wet and they could pile that night to try to get warm. I have already covered the results of piling.

Getting ready for the flight pens: As I stated earlier Pheasants are Scrappers and Cannibals’. To offset this behavior you have to put a blinder on each bird. This method eliminates most of the out of control scrapping amongst the birds but not all.

Letting them go in the flight pens: Is actually a proud moment here at the farm because the birds that have made it this far in the process are going to be hearty and Impressive hard flying Pheasants ready for the Hunters to pick up this fall.

This Process: As the season progresses every step of the process has birds being moved through it. This happens from start to finish all at once 8 to 10 times during the season.

Hunting Season Opens: When a hunter comes to get his birds and sees all the pheasants in a pen most of them get jittery because they have never been so close to a Pheasant that is not trying to get away from them out in the field or that many of them. It is truly an experience for most. On Occasion Albert lets a person come into the pen and help him catch their birds. Now you are entering another realm in your Pheasant Hunting Experience. Because shooting one out in the field is nothing like trying to catch one in very large, high top flight pen. Any person that experiences this has a new appreciation for the cunning nature and powerful flight abilities of a Ring-Neck Pheasant. A 4 lb Pheasant with a full head of steam with a blinder on hitting you in the back of the head is an eye opening experience.

So When You Pick Up Pheasants: You now have an idea of the labor that goes into the raising of each Pheasant each year so that Prairie Game Birds Has feisty fast flying Ring Neck Pheasants available for opening Day of Hunting Season. If I would share with you the costs involved you would be wondering why these Ring-Neck Pheasants cost so little.

Happy Hunting


Pheasant Eggs


Meet The Owners

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
 Willie Nelson

In 2014 Albert and Amy were presented with the opportunity to continue the legacy of raising quality game birds that Kenny and Norma of Kansas Game Bids had spent more than a decade developing. They were humbled by the offer and with pride accepted it. But they are hopping that Kenny and Norma do not stay to far in their upcoming retirement adventures.

It is still an Immense challenge for the both of them as Albert continues in his construction business with Amy taking care of people in Nursing. And On top of that their greatest challenge is keeping up with their every growing young son Albert who can already catch birds almost as well as his dad.

Kansas Game Birds over the past 6 years has been transitioning from it’s’ location in Whitewater Kansas To the new location in Sedgwick Kansas. The growth has been steady each year that allowed for facilities to produce 7000 adult Pheasants in 2020 with expansion planned to increase that number to 10,000 in 2021.   In 2020 the expansion included the 5 raised  pens to handle the expansion into Quail and chukar’s.  Albert is projecting their raising of  Quail and Chukar’s to be upwards of 10,000 as well in 2021.

Albert has spent his life as an outdoorsman and is a natural at raising a good lookin feisty pheasant. Not sure how he catches so many fish because he can catch a bucket full before most get their line wet.

Whether the name stays Kansas Game Birds of fades into Prairie Game Birds there is one thing for certain the birds you get out at their farm will not disappoint.



Kansas Game Bird Sounds

Video Compliment Of Dan Nature On YouTube 


Audio Player

Pheasant Cackle

Audio Player

Pheasant Crowing

Audio Player

Pheasant Flush

Audio Player

Sounds Compliments Of . Get these sounds as your Ring Tone HERE

Kansas Game Bird

Kansas Game Bird

Catch Me If You Can….

Think about what you like on a day out target practicing with clay pigeons. Would you rather shoot at targets that are basically thrown up right in front of you. Or would you rather be challenged with Clay Pigeons that are zinging fast out away from you that truly test and hone your shooting skills?

Well if Game birds that are healthy, frisky and fly fast enough to challenge the most experienced hunter is what you like to hunt then you are in the right place. At Prairie Game Birds we hear back from hunters who have bought birds from us and hunted them and they tell us that our Game Birds are frisky and fast on take off and you better not give them much head start because they will get away from you quick.

Now do not get me wrong here and think that we are the only place you can buy quality Game Birds. There are many breeders that I am sure of that grow real fine Game Birds as well. This story is not about them it is about what we do at Prairie Game Birds.

Just this week we had a gentleman returning the cages he leased from us and he was all excited and said he wanted to get some more birds from us because he just had the best Game Bird hunting trip he had in years. The birds were a challenge to hunt. About a year ago we had a group that sat up a European Style Tower Hunt. When they brought back the leased cages they were still laughing when they said the birds all had a full head of steam as they were flying by them and a quite a few of them got away, that made us proud.

Our goal in breeding Game Birds is not to make them easy for you to hunt. Our goal is to give our birds the tools they need to have a fighting chance to get away. The bottom line at Prairie Game Birds is that we will do our best to raise A good quality Game Bird for you and leave the hunting skills entirely up to you.

Please let us know if some of our birds out flew you. We will with pride say that we done our job right…


Wake Me Up When We Get There…

Imagine an Olympic swimmer jumping out of bed after 8 Hours of Sleep and hopping in the pool and setting a world record. Now Imagine that Olympic swimmer getting out of bed and waking up, warming up and preparing for the next competition. Of course the latter would give them the better chances of success.

With this same thought in mind imagine taking a Frisky Game Bird out of a flight pen and putting them in a cramped cage with 10 or so other birds. Transporting them for hours and then hours longer stuck in the cage as you prepare for your hunt. Then immediately take them birds out and place them in a field and moments later send old yeller out to scare them up so you can begin your hunt. That right there is the cause of the several complaints that we have received over the years that our birds would not fly.

This is something that Many hunters do not give a thought to when preparing a day hunting. What is needed when the birds are let loose out in the hunting area is for everyone to go have that last cup of coffee and let the birds move around for about 45 minutes and get there where-abouts back to them and then begin your hunt.

This is so important after transporting Game Birds out to a hunting area that we can not stress it enough. Let the birds get their facilities back to them and then go after them. Do not worry about the Game Birds getting away from you if old yeller is worth his/her salt them birds will be found and ready to put your hunting skills to the test.

If you do not have a hunting dog with you it is still important to prepare the birds in this way because most game birds do a lot of ground running but active, frisky game birds pop up and fly quicker.

Happy Hunting


NPIP Certified

We are proud to be a member of and fully compliant with the National Poultry Improvement Program  (NPIP).

Yearly our  Game Bird Aviary is tested by the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) and certified by the to Be Pullorum-typhoid clean as well as avian influenza free.

This certification is the base requirement for obtaining a permit for game birds to be exported to other states. All States importation permit requirements can be found (HERE)

Some states Like Texas have an additional requirement for the Importation of Birds you have to have a health certification by a licensed veterinarian within 30 day of the export date. Our veterinarian does this inspection for a  current fee of 250.00 which is paid by the Ordering  party.

No matter if you are just Keeping your purchased birds in state or exporting them to another state make sure your suppliers flock is certified disease free to USDA and State NPIP standards.  Keeping in mind you may well want to eat your birds after the Hunt is over.

Kansas Department Of Agriculture

Kansas Department Of Agriculture

National Poultry Improvement Plan

National Poultry Improvement Plan

Game Birds Order Information

If you would like to start the process of reserving or purchasing birds

we ask that you E-Mail the below information to us

and we will get back with you as soon as possible…

What we need is:

Your Full Name.

Where the Birds are going.  ( City / /State ).

Phone Number You Can Be Reached At.

Species and Quantity of each you are wanting.

Pheasant ( Both Rooster And Hens ).



At this time Call Albert at 316 200 2183

All sales of our game birds are conducted through prior arrangements with appointment times for the pick up of purchased birds.. We are not a retail walk in outlet, we are a private breeding farm that is open to everyone who has an appointment. 

If time is of the essence you can reach Albert at (316) 200-2183.

Thank you for this opportunity to serve you.


Sunday is our day of rest we are not open on Sunday’s